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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A New Fiscal Year

Well it certainly isn't January 1st. But I figure March is as good a month as any to start my new Fiscal year. I feel its important to sit back and look at all the things you have accomplished over the past year and start to determine what you want to accomplish over the next year and plan. As for me I like March because it feels like the beginning of spring. Its the warm end of winter and should be the perfect time to launch a strong start into summer. My past year has been interesting. School feels like it consumes most of my time and I finished my second university year with less than impressive standing (although I've been able to get it under control) I began my last year in the best shape of my life and have been trying my best to maintain it although recently I have been slipping. My financial status is the same.. poor, but my assets have changed considerably. I upgraded to a new computer with 2 27inch monitors, bought a new guitar, managed a fill a whole rack with nice guitar gear and have slimmed down my lifestyle to mostly necessities. During my past year I also managed to stop the casual smoking that comes with any naive university partier and stop drinking almost entirely (although a cold beer is still too good to give up), improve my diet considerably and find more time for sleep (although I feel like an insomniac of late). I competed in 3 triathlons over the past year and finished my first olympic distance. Im sure I could write out a bunch of other little accomplishments and failures but Ill leave that for other days, today is about planning!

One year squandered can go very very fast, but one year used productively can mean the world. For me I want to make this next spring and summer as productive as possible. Winter always feels like a write off for me. On my list for this year are:

First Half Marathon (May)
First Marathon (October)
First Adventure Race (September)
Graduate University ( April of next year --- its close enough)
Finish Level 2 of Rosetta Stone French
Get Considerably Better at guitar (and finish my post album --more on this in other posts)
Find a way to make money on my own time (ive heard you can get paid for blogging.. maybe ill start recommending books for people to buy?)
buy a car? It would be a nice to have

As I lose my train of thought to go grab waffles I will leave it at this and continue with a post on my action plan to accomplish these goals later! I will also try and post a daily tip related to Training tonight.. ive been slacking with my blog recently! Ill try and view everyone who has been commenting blog today as well! Cheers guys


  1. Graduate university! You must be excited

  2. I never understood people who are into sports but they drink/smoke/party heavily.

  3. im into sports but i party heavily, im not trying to be a pro athelete or anything, i just find both fun thats prolly why

  4. Good luck with everything! I am starting P90X to get in shape this month as well!
