Training Widget

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hobbys and Downtime

Ive been on reading week for a little bit now and all the downtime has given me more time to think about my hobbys away from Training and School and I've decided to talk about some of the stuff I have going on in my life at the moment. For most of you who don't know me I am a huge space / scifi lover. I honestly cannot get enough of the future in any way shape or form. My need for more science fiction has led me to playing Eve recently and watching a lot of Starwars the Clonewars series. Because of this I got to thinking how cool would it be to have a stormtrooper costume. (Nerding it up hard.. i realize) Since Im poor and have so much free time i've decided to make my own, a project which is going to take me ALONG TIME. I must admit Im having a lot of fun attempting different things and making helmets. I may even make this into something I blog about regularly and post pictures of my progress incase anyone else is interested in doing the same. Above picture is related. Hopefully I too will look like Rex eventually. Besides that my reading week has been filled with guitar playing and much igloo building, another story for another time complete with many pictures I hope! As much as I would love to keep writing its 1am and I have a lot to do tomorrow, including writing a full post here on my progress with this costume making procedures! Meh.

cheers guys and gals!


  1. I prefer medieval fantasy. the images created in my mind by those are far more epic.

  2. make sure to post some pictures!!

  3. Cheers Mike! Have a great reading-week-hump-day, it's going by fast :(
