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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Gear

So to start off today I'm going to layout my gear for you guys, why I use what I do and some of the stuff on my wish list. Most of my stuff is pretty basic so anyone else just starting Triathlon can get a good idea of what you need to start out and maybe some more experienced guys could comment on my stuff and let me know what they think!

Ill start at my feet and work my way up.

On my feet I have 2 pairs of shoes for different situations.

The K-Ona by K-swiss were a shoe I didn't know about at first but it was love at first wear. These are seriously the best shoes I have ever run in. They are a little bit minimalist but still have great support for long runs. A very moderate tension across the sole and they look awesome to boot! I wear these shoes for almost all my distance run training and whenever i find myself at the gym.

My other shoes are these

Zoot Ultras, mine are not exactly like this as they are from 2 years ago.. bright yellow, absolutely incredible shoes as well but totally different from anything ive ever warn before. They are the lightest shoe ive ever had, they weigh almost next to nothing. They are extremely flexible and very easy to put on. But because of the lack of support I don't enjoy wearing these shoes for long runs... contrary to their design. I wear them mostly for short runs and speed/agility training as well ive warn them in a sprint tri and they worked rather well since they don't require socks.

I tend to wear regular shorts, regular shirts and regular socks for all my running, nothing too special. I do have a pair of compression pants which i wear when its cold or if im going for long runs. I also sometimes wear these when im cycling. it always feels good to get a little bit of compression going during exercise.

Onto Cycling now.

My bike is

Its a pretty average bike. I bought it on cost rather than efficiency and since i bought it have replaced the pedals with a set of clips and shoes and this summer I am going to replace the bars by adding some tri extensions. I will do a more in-depth post on my bike later. I don't know what helmet i wear :(

As far as swimming goes I usually rent a wetsuit. Ive been a swimmer since the beginning of high-school and made the mistake of believing i could do my first tri wearing a regular race suit.. boy was I wrong. When your in 65 -75 F water the benefits from a wetsuit are un-believable. I will never do a tri without 1 again. As far as training goes I use standard speedo shorts and googles and a zoot cap.

Lastly and most importantly out of my gear is my watch.

my watch is a Polar RS100. Although a very entry level watch this has been one of my most important training purchases. Besides being an awesome watch it also acts as a heart rate monitor which is extremely useful for a lot of interval training and other things. Throw in a fuel belt and a discovery channel cycling jersey and that is pretty much it for my gear. It covers all the bases and will hopefully be upgraded as my training continues. Im going to try and take a picture of everything at once to post later :)

Thanks for Reading


  1. Hehehe look at you with your 16 followers! :)

    Great info! How do you fit yourself for a wet suit? They look really tight

  2. New blog -

  3. nice bike, wish mine didnt get stolen D:

  4. wow, i wonder if you will complete your weekly goal

  5. Jesus christ man, you're insane. I wish you the best of luck though.
